FEMA Field Surveys in Benton County

The City of Adair Village has been working collaboratively with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the State of Oregon, and local communities to better identify flood risk in the county. This effort includes a new flood study on Calloway Creek and several streams crossing county and city lands that will ultimately be used to update the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map and provide the local jurisdictions with valuable flood risk information. Better identification of flood risk helps people determine their own priorities and take steps to reduce risk to lives and property. This data also supports communities in recovery efforts when disaster strikes.

For more information please read the letter from FEMA introducing the field studies in Benton County below:

FEMA_Survey_Notification_Letter_Adair Village_GENERAL_FINAL

UGB Expansion Joint Public Hearing September 20, 2022 6:00 p.m. at Santiam Christian School Map Room

Please note that the Adair Village Newsletter incorrectly stated that the Joint Public Hearing on  September 20th would be held at City Hall.  It is, as stated on the Public Hearing Notice, to be held at Santiam Christian High School (Map Room).  We apologize for the confusion.

PC Hearing Notice – Adair UGB Amendment (002)


Urban Growth Boundary Expansion

The Planning Committee Meeting Packet for October 11, 2022 is below:

PC Packet 221011

The Information packet for the September 20, 2022 Public Hearing are listed below:

Other relevant documents regarding the UGB Expansion are below:


Notice of Public Hearings on August 17 (Planning Commission) and September 7, 2021 (City Council) to Consider Development Code Amendment Adding the R-4 Cottage Cluster Zoning Classification & Section 6.106 COTTAGE CLUSTER STANDARDS

PH NOTICE – R-4 Cottage Cluster Dev Code Comp Plan Amendment


Residential Zone R-4

Cottage Cluster – USE STANDARDS

STAFF REPORT- R-4 Zone Use Standards


Notice of Public Hearings August 4, 2020 City Hall Regarding Amending the City Charter, Designating Wards, and Vacating Cherry Drive


 The City Council will hold Public Hearings on Tuesday, August 4 at 6:00 p.m. at the Adair Village City Hall, 6030 William R. Carr Avenue, Adair Village to address the matters listed below. Hard copies are available at City Hall or they can be viewed on our website at www.adairvillage.org.

1)   Amend the City Charter of the City of Adair Village as approved by the Electors, (Ordinance 2020-01)

2)   Designate Wards within the City of Adair Village; (Ordinance 2020-02)

3)   Consider the Planning Commission’s recommendation to vacate the unimproved Cherry Drive, located in the first addition to Adair Meadows in the City of Adair Village, Benton County, Oregon., (Ordinance 2020-03)

Notice of Public Hearings July 21, and August 4, 2020 – Development Code Amendments

NOTICE – Development Code Amendments – Notice of Hearing 7.21.2020

Attachment C TSP CODE AMENDMENTS – Staff Report

Attachment C1 TSP – Article 1-Administrative Provisions-1

Attachment C2 TSP – Article 2-Application Procedures

Attachment C3 TSP – Article 5-Development Standards

Attachment C4 TSP – Article 6-Use Standards

Attachment C5 TSP – Article 7-Special Area Standards

Attachment C6 TSP – Article 8-Improvement Requirements


My name is Karla McGrath and I joined the CERT Program because I wanted to contribute to the community beyond what I do as a staff person at City Hall. What I learned from the training will allow me to do that, but it also taught me how to be prepared for an emergency myself.  The program emphasizes putting your family first before responding to a disaster in your City.   I also appreciated learning how the program manages leadership communication – how they make sure that instructions are given clearly and understood well up and down a chain of command.  It was fascinating and encouraging.

The Adair Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) includes Adair residents: Becky Currier, Delores Jean Pollard, Alan Rowe, Kevin Armstrong, Karen Ross, Karla McGrath, John Wilson, and Jonathan Purdy. We have put together a video linked below that highlights what we want our community to know about CERT.  The Adair CERT team of volunteers will continue training monthly so that we will be ready to serve our community when the City requests it.

We hope that you will consider your own emergency response readiness and perhaps consider joining the next training course set to begin in March 2021. The course is taught by lead teacher, Jerry Jackson, who has a wealth of knowledge and experiences that make him an outstanding teacher and resource for participants.  His co-teachers include Phil Harkins, retired firefighter; Chuck Harris, retired ARFD Fire Chief; and others.  For More information contact Jerry Jackson at adaircert@gmail.com or 541-745-5507.

Let’s be prepared together!