Budget 2017-2018 Timeline & Process

Date                            Action

Feb 7th                    Council Appoints Budget Officer

Feb & Mar              City Staff Prepares Budget by Fund

March 25th              “Notice of Budget Committee Meeting” sent to each street address within city limits.  Notice contains Date, Time, and Location of meeting.  Committee will receive budget, hear budget message, and take questions and comments from the public.

  • The first Budget Committee Meeting set for April 19th

April 11th                Budget Officer Finalizes Draft Budget Document and forwards to Budget Committee Members for review

April 19th                          First Budget Committee Meeting – 6:30 p.m.

  • Elect Budget Committee Chair
  • Discussion of Budget & Budget Message
  • Questions and Comments from Public

May 2nd                             Second Budget Committee Meeting – 6:00 p.m., before City Council meeting

  • Discussion of Budget Proposal
  • Possible Uses for State Revenue Sharing
  • Public Comment on State Revenue Sharing
  • Approve Budget, Tax Rate & Proposed Tax Levy
  • Budget Committee Certifies Final Budget Document to Council

May 23rd                 Third Budget Committee Meeting – 6:30 p.m.-only if necessary

  • Discussion of Budget Proposal
  • Approve Budget, Tax Rate & Proposed Tax Levy
  • Discussion of Proposed Uses for State Revenue Sharing
  • Budget Committee Certifies Final Budget Document to Council

May 26th                  Proposed Budget Published & Available to Public

May 30th                 Meeting Notice for June 6th  Council sent to each street address within city limits.  Notice contains Date, Time, and Location of meeting and how to receive a copy of the Budget.  Council will receive budget document recommendation from Budget Committee and take questions and comments from the public.

June 6th                   Budget Hearing at the regularly scheduled Council Meeting

  • Resolutions to Enact:
    1. Adopt Budget & State Revenue Sharing
    2. Tax Rate
    3. Proposed Tax Levy
  • Submit Tax Certification Documents to the County Assessor

June 20th                  Special City Council Meeting, if necessary to complete required work

July 15th                   Deadline for Filing Budget; and Deadline certify certain Resolutions

Leaf Collection and Street Sweeping

The leaf pick up days are scheduled for Monday, October 31st, Monday, November 14th and Monday, December 12th.  Please rake leaves into the street just before the collection dates.  Be sure you are not blocking bike lanes, storm drains or driveways.

Street sweeping will occur the day after leaf pick up – November 1st, November 15th and December 13th.

Please move vehicles off the streets on both leaf pick up and street sweeping days.  Parking is available at City Hall.