Public Hearings October 15th and November 5th, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.

The City of Adair Village will be holding a public hearing with the planning commission on October 15 notice and attachments included.

Attachment E Staff Report – Comp Plan Map Amendment

Attachment F Village Center Annexation – SR -2019



Annexation Subject Parcel


May 16, 2019-Public Notice of intent to modify water, sewer, storm drain, transportation, and parks system development charges

The City of Adair Village hereby issues public notice, pursuant to ORS 223.304, of its intent to modify water, sewer, storm drain, transportation, and parks system development charges.

A technical report addressing the methodology and calculation of the proposed charge will be available for review after Tuesday, June 4 at City Hall, 6030 William R. Carr Ave, Adair Village, or by calling 541-745-5507.

A public hearing to take comments regarding the proposed modifications to the System Development Charges is scheduled for 6:30 pm, Tuesday, September 10, at City Hall. If you wish to comment but cannot attend the public hearing, please address written comments as follows:

Pat Hare
City Administrator
City of Adair Village
6030 William R. Carr Ave
Adair Village OR 97330

Written comments must be received by 4 pm, August 27, to be considered

Adair Village City Council Packet

The packet for December will be the focus for the January Meeting the new documents are attached below.

Council Packet 171205

180102 Agenda

Attachment A-1 CC Minutes Draft 171227

Attachment B – Bills Through 171228

Attachment D1 PW Report 180102Attachment

G-1 Financial Statement-180102

Attachment G-Financial Report-180102

Attachment F BSO Report 171205

Attachment F BSO Report 180102

Attachment M Resolution 2018 -1 180102