Adair Village Lead Line Testing
The city would like to inform you that a lead line inventory has been completed. No lead lines were detected using records and physical inspections. This does not guarantee there are no lead components within customers’ plumbing systems.
UPDATED 2024 Leaf Collection and Street Sweeping Schedule
We apologize for the earlier schedule posted with incorrect dates:
The following dates have been confirmed. Thank you for your understanding.
Annual Backflow Inspection for Adair Village Residents
The city has an important update regarding backflow prevention in our community. In compliance with state laws and to ensure the safety and quality of our water supply, the City of Adair Village will be conducting annual backflow inspections on all backflow prevention devices throughout town.
What is a Backflow Prevention Device?
A backflow prevention device is crucial for protecting our water supply from contamination or pollution due to reverse flow. These devices are typically installed where water pipes connect to your property.
Why Are Inspections Necessary?
The State of Oregon mandates regular inspections of these devices to ensure they are functioning properly and safeguarding our water system. By conducting these inspections, we can prevent potential health hazards and maintain the high quality of water that we all rely on.
Cost and Convenience
To streamline this process and reduce costs for our residents, the city will manage these inspections annually. A charge of $3.33 will be added to your water bill each month starting with the September 2024 bill (due October 15, 2024). This fee is significantly lower than what it would cost to arrange a private inspection, ensuring compliance with state requirements at a reduced cost to you. This additional fee only applies to residents who have irrigation systems.
What to Expect
The inspections will be conducted by certified professionals who will ensure that all devices meet the required standards. We will provide you with more details regarding the schedule and process in the coming weeks to minimize any inconvenience.
Thank You for Your Cooperation
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work together to maintain the safety and reliability of our community’s water supply. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 541-745-5507.
TextMyGov Press Release
August 10, 2024 Founders Day Activities/Adair Living History Exhibits
Summer Program Kickoff Flyer
City of Adair Village 2023 Consumer Confidence Report
Adair Village Proposed Budget 2024-2025
Adair History Day, May 4, 2024
Village Church Event Flyer
Advertisements do not represent City sanctioned events or information.
We would appreciate your time spent completing this survey. It is posted here for those of you who don’t get a monthly utility statement by mail.
In addition to the options noted on the survey, you may also return this to us by email at
Adair Village Water Quality Report 2022
2023 Leaf Collection and Street Sweeping Schedule
Adair City Council Motion – PC23-04 and LU-23-029 – PC Staff Report and Ordinance 2023-07 Adair Village UGB Expansion
Benton County Natural Hazard Survey
Benton County Office of Emergency Management is requesting your feedback on the survey below (English or Spanish version).
Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update (NHMP)
The City is updating its Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. Click below for more information.
Adair History Day May 6, 2023
2022-2023 Benton County Board of Property Tax Appeals Notice of Session and Hearings
Rural Economic Alliance (REAL) launches new website
September 28, 2022
Rural Economic Alliance (REAL) launches new website
LEBANON, OR – Mid Valley Partners (MVP) has been renamed Rural Economic Alliance (REAL) to more clearly reflect its efforts to support the region’s economic growth.
Along with its new name, the group announced the launch of its website ( The site serves as a resource for entrepreneurs, current business owners and prospective investors.
Rural Economic Alliance elected its new name, in part, because of the acronym, REAL.
“When you do business in Linn and Benton counties you are working with REAL people in REAL communities doing REAL business,” said Hilary Norton, city administrator of partner-city, Halsey. “In bigger cities when you look for help you are usually sent to an automated system with formulaic information that may or may not fit your business. In our communities, you talk with a real person who can help with your specific needs.”
REAL partnered with Pacific Northwest-based agency, JayRay Ads & PR, for the rebranding effort. The agency held three in-person brand workshops and several virtual meetings with REAL members to uncover their brand, select their new name and design their visual identity.
“During our branding work we identified some incredible strategic advantages to doing business in our region,” said Scott McDowell, City Administrator of partner-city Brownsville. “We found doing business in Linn and Benton counties to be easier and more welcoming than working in larger cities.”
REAL is committed to lifting up members of the local business community, sharing resources, and acting as a resource themselves to help serve the business community.
If you are interested in partnering with REAL or seeking help with your business in Linn or Benton counties, email or visit
Media Contact:
Alysia Rodgers
Economic Development Catalyst, City of Lebanon
FEMA Field Surveys in Benton County
The City of Adair Village has been working collaboratively with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the State of Oregon, and local communities to better identify flood risk in the county. This effort includes a new flood study on Calloway Creek and several streams crossing county and city lands that will ultimately be used to update the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map and provide the local jurisdictions with valuable flood risk information. Better identification of flood risk helps people determine their own priorities and take steps to reduce risk to lives and property. This data also supports communities in recovery efforts when disaster strikes.
For more information please read the letter from FEMA introducing the field studies in Benton County below:
Future Adair Village Trails Plan Map
Urban Growth Boundary Expansion
The Planning Committee Meeting Packet for October 11, 2022 is below:
The Information packet for the September 20, 2022 Public Hearing are listed below:
- 1_Planning Commissions Packet cover sheet
- 2_9.20.22 Agenda
- 4_County Staff Rpt- PC
- 5_Compiled Comments as of 9-12-22
- 6_UPDATED 10.4.22 – Justification Findings Document
- 7- Appendix A Adair Village Building Lands Inventory Report
Other relevant documents regarding the UGB Expansion are below:
- PC Hearing Notice – Adair UGB Amendment (002)
- Building Lands Inventory Report
- UGB Expansion Area Map
- Adair Zoning Map May 2022
- Adair Village Tour
- Transportation Systems Plan 2019
- Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) pertaining to UGB Expansion 660-024-0000
- AVTP Future Trails Map V2
- DLCD – Adair Village Benton County UGB letter of record WINGARD
- ODOT’s Response to Adair Village UGB expansion 220831
Adair Village Proposed Budget 2022-2023
Thank you to all Adair Resident who have completed their Cross Connection Questionnaire. If you still need to complete your form, you can download it below. Please return it to:
Karla McGrath; Cross Connection Program Manager; 6030 NE William R Carr Ave.; Adair Village, OR 97330.
You can also drop it in the payment drop box if you prefer.
Cross Connection Questionnaire Form
Adair Village Ward Map
Community Emergency Response Team Basic Training Information
My name is Karla McGrath and I joined the CERT Program because I wanted to contribute to the community beyond what I do as a staff person at City Hall. What I learned from the training will allow me to do that, but it also taught me how to be prepared for an emergency myself. The program emphasizes putting your family first before responding to a disaster in your City. I also appreciated learning how the program manages leadership communication – how they make sure that instructions are given clearly and understood well up and down a chain of command. It was fascinating and encouraging.
The Adair Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) includes Adair residents: Becky Currier, Delores Jean Pollard, Alan Rowe, Kevin Armstrong, Karen Ross, Karla McGrath, John Wilson, and Jonathan Purdy. We have put together a video linked below that highlights what we want our community to know about CERT. The Adair CERT team of volunteers will continue training monthly so that we will be ready to serve our community when the City requests it.
We hope that you will consider your own emergency response readiness and perhaps consider joining the next training course set to begin in March 2021. The course is taught by lead teacher, Jerry Jackson, who has a wealth of knowledge and experiences that make him an outstanding teacher and resource for participants. His co-teachers include Phil Harkins, retired firefighter; Chuck Harris, retired ARFD Fire Chief; and others. For More information contact Jerry Jackson at or 541-745-5507.
Let’s be prepared together!
Adair Village Proposed Budget 2020-21
Planning Commission Staff Report Regarding Land Use Development Code Proposed Amendments
Xpress Bill Pay Information
The Xpress Bill Pay Option is now available. Click the link below to get started.
Click here for more information and instructions.
City of Adair Village Code, Land Use Development Code, and Comprehensive Plan
The City of Adair Village Code, LUDC and Comprehensive Plans have been compiled into one searchable document. City of Adair Village City Code LUDC and Comp Plan
Thank you to Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund for donating $6,500 to help the City of Adair Village’s newly remodeled barracks building that will be turned into the new community center. The monies from the grant will be used to buy furnishings for the kitchen and office, as well as electronics for the community center.
Use of the building will be open to the public to reserve the space for meetings and parties. There will be laptops to borrow, video and board games, as well as a small library. If you would like to donate books, crafts or games, please drop them off at City Hall. We are open Monday thru Friday from 8:00-5:00pm.
SDC Methodology
City of Adair Village Code, Land Use Development Code, and Comprehensive Plan
The City of Adair Village Code, LUDC and Comprehensive Plans have been compiled into one searchable document. City of Adair Village City Code LUDC and Comp Plan
Proposed 2019-2020 AV Budget
181214: Emergency Response Plan Now Available
181130: Street Sweeping will occur on Friday, December 11, 2018. Please remove cars from the street. Parking is available at City Hall.
180731: Ordinance No. 2018-1 In The Matter of Granting a Franchise to Qwest Corporation DBA CenturyLink to Operate and Maintain a Telecommunications System in the City of Adair Village, Oregon
To be proposed for the August 7th Council Meeting. A second reading by title will follow the next council meeting, September 4th, 2018.
180723: Benton County Transportation System Plan Update
Community Transportation Workshop Agenda
Thursday, July 19, 2018; 5:30-7:30 pm Tuesday, July 24, 2018; 5:30-7:30 pm
Monroe Community Library Benton County Sunset Meeting Room
380 North 5th Street 4077 SW Research Way
Monroe, OR 97456 Corvallis, OR 97333
(Spanish interpretation available)
Wednesday, July 25, 2018: 5:30-7:30 pm
Adair Village Clubhouse
6097 NE Ebony Lane
Corvallis, OR 97321
Schedule | Topic | Presenter/Notes |
5:30 – 6:00 pm | OPEN HOUSE
· Information dissemination · Staffed stations, including interactive mapping |
This is an opportunity to review project information, transportation system maps, and proposed projects and priorities. |
6:00 | Welcome, Introductions and Workshop Purpose | Jim Owens, Facilitator
Laurel Byer, Benton County Public Works |
6:05 | Project Status
· Summary of Planning Process; Schedule and Next Steps · Summary of Public Input to Date |
Laurel Byer Jim Owens |
6:15 | Key Plan Elements
· Changes in Current Transportation Standards · Rating and Prioritization of Projects · Projected Funding for Transportation Improvements · High Priority Projects |
John Bosket, DKS |
6:30 | Q/A and General Comment
This is an opportunity to ask questions and provide general comments. |
6:45 – 7:30 pm | OPEN HOUSE, cont.
· Staffed stations with comment opportunities · Questionnaire |
This is an opportunity to provide comment on proposed changes in transportation standards and on proposed projects and priorities. |
7:30 pm | ADJOURN |
180410: 2018-2019 Proposed Adair Village Budget
The Adair Village Budget Committee will meet on April 17 at 6:30 to listen to the budget presentation and hold a public hearing for input into the budget. A hard copy of the budget can be reviewed at city hall from 8:00am to 4:30pm, below is the time line and proposed budget.
180201: William R. Carr Planned Development
171108: New Water Service Application
171030: Stormwater Information
Here is a link to Important Storm Water Issues
2016 Water Quality Report (CCR) now available
The 2017-2018 Proposed Budget is now available
Visit the Budget/Finance page to see a copy of the proposed budget.
Thank you Siletz Tribal Charitable Fund
The City of Adair Village would like to thank the Siletz Tribal Charitable Fund for their generous and continued support. We are in the process of making improvements to the Kiddie Park and their contribution allowed us to make many improvements we wouldn’t have otherwise been able to do! The park shelter is being replaced this week, and we have ordered new tables. We are also getting playground mats to make the playground safer. Thank you Siletz Tribal Charitable Fund!
Budget 2017-2018 Timeline & Process
Date Action
Feb 7th Council Appoints Budget Officer
Feb & Mar City Staff Prepares Budget by Fund
March 25th “Notice of Budget Committee Meeting” sent to each street address within city limits. Notice contains Date, Time, and Location of meeting. Committee will receive budget, hear budget message, and take questions and comments from the public.
- The first Budget Committee Meeting set for April 19th
April 11th Budget Officer Finalizes Draft Budget Document and forwards to Budget Committee Members for review
April 19th First Budget Committee Meeting – 6:30 p.m.
- Elect Budget Committee Chair
- Discussion of Budget & Budget Message
- Questions and Comments from Public
May 2nd Second Budget Committee Meeting – 6:00 p.m., before City Council meeting
- Discussion of Budget Proposal
- Possible Uses for State Revenue Sharing
- Public Comment on State Revenue Sharing
- Approve Budget, Tax Rate & Proposed Tax Levy
- Budget Committee Certifies Final Budget Document to Council
May 23rd Third Budget Committee Meeting – 6:30 p.m.-only if necessary
- Discussion of Budget Proposal
- Approve Budget, Tax Rate & Proposed Tax Levy
- Discussion of Proposed Uses for State Revenue Sharing
- Budget Committee Certifies Final Budget Document to Council
May 26th Proposed Budget Published & Available to Public
May 30th Meeting Notice for June 6th Council sent to each street address within city limits. Notice contains Date, Time, and Location of meeting and how to receive a copy of the Budget. Council will receive budget document recommendation from Budget Committee and take questions and comments from the public.
June 6th Budget Hearing at the regularly scheduled Council Meeting
- Resolutions to Enact:
- Adopt Budget & State Revenue Sharing
- Tax Rate
- Proposed Tax Levy
- Submit Tax Certification Documents to the County Assessor
June 20th Special City Council Meeting, if necessary to complete required work
July 15th Deadline for Filing Budget; and Deadline certify certain Resolutions
Ordinance 2017 – #1 and Ordinance 2017 – #2
Please see below for Ordinance 2017 – #1 and Ordinance 2017 – #2, both of which will be addressed during the City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 7, 2017.
2016 Election
Candidates for 2016 Election:
Mayor: William Currier
City Council: Nicole Real / Susan Canfield / Shalimar Anderson-Bailes